Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” is all too applicable to the Musk administration’s attempts to destroy America.
Tag Archives: white supremacy
The Darkness at the Heart of Whiteness
Pullman and White Christian Nationalists
In “The Secret Commonwealth” Pullmans description of the Magisterium sounds a lot like White Christian Nationalism.
Odysseus’s Authoritarian Power Play
Homer shows the dynamics of authoritarianism at work in an “Iliad” incident where Odysseus disciplines a critic of the Greek mission.
Actors of Color in New Tolkien Drama
While some critics, perhaps revealing their racism, are complaining about actors of color in “Ring of Power,” here’s why the casting is good.
Beloved’s War against White Supremacy
One reason the far right may hate Morrison’s “Beloved” is because a Black woman resists attempts to control her fertility.
Our Fragile Democracy
Feeling fragile about democracy in the wake of the Capitol desecration? This Millay poem may capture your sense of foreboding.
Why Fascists Obsess about Invasions
Tuesday In an important article, Washington Post’s Phil Rucker pointed out how the El Paso shooter’s diatribe, in which he talks of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas,” mirrors Donald Trump’s language. Rucker reminds us of what we’ve been hearing from our president: President Trump has relentlessly used his bully pulpit to decry Latino migration as […]
Murakami Explains Lure of Fascism
Murakami’s “Wild Sheep Chase” helps explain why young men are drawn to fascism, as we saw in Charlottesville.