In “Days,”Larkin urges us to make the most of each day.
Tag Archives: William Shakespeare
What Are Days For? Larkin’s Non Answer
Lit’s Invention of “The Second Look”
One of the literary “inventions” featured in Fletcher’s “Wonderworks” is the second look, partly invented by Akutagawa in “Rashomon.”
Trump’s Love Test Resembles Lear’s
Trump, like Lear, sets up love tests for followers. South Carolina Sen. Scott recently “passed” in the same way that Goneril and Regan pass.
McCarthy a Greek Hero? NOT!
Kevin McCarthy is no tragic hero. He does resemble a minor figure from “Julius Caesar,” however.
Hamlet Taught Us a New Way to Grieve
In “Hamlet,” Shakespeare taught the world a powerful new way to grieve.
Does Hamlet Speak for Generation Z?
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