Senator Rand Paul’s often may misapply poetry, but the poems he chooses tell us a lot about Rand Paul.
Monthly Archives: April 2013
Rand Paul’s Misadventures with Poetry
Fielding’s Satire Applied to the 1%
Fielding satiric attacks on the cheats of his day could apply to Wall Street financiers and other wealthy Americans who refuse to share.
Women, You Don’t Have to Do It All
In a recent talk at St. Mary’s, author Elsa Walsh counseled young people to strive for “a good enough life.”
God Does Not Leave Us Comfortless
As my father struggles to retain his memory, I think of Jonathan Swift.
Roger Ebert’s Kinship with Whitman
In reflecting on death and dying, Roger Ebert turned to literature rather than to film.
Yielding the Heart to an Easter Lily
Claude McKay poem about an Easter lily is a sensuous immersion.
Horror Steps onto the Court
The horror of witnessing Kevin Ware’s horrific basketball injury reminds me of a moment of comparable horror in Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues.”
My Father in the Hospital
A Mary Oliver poems captures my fears about my father, currently hospitalized.
Rise Up, Plain Bellied Sneetches!
Dr. Seuss’s story of the sneetches captures America’s melting pot story.