Poet Jeanne Walker riffs off the opening passage of the Book of John to compare poetic creation to the coming of new truth.
Monthly Archives: December 2017
God’s Word, the Ultimate Poetry
The Year in GOP Soul Selling
This blog’s “post of the year” compared the GOP’s embrace of Trump to Faustus selling his soul to the devil.
Poems for Resisting Trump
New York columnist Roger Cohen suggests two poems for resisting Trumpism: “if” and “Harlem.”
#MeToo: A New Day for Cassandra
The prophetess Cassandra wasn’t listened to, but the #MeToo movement is changing that.
Does the GOP Love Big Brother?
Do Congressional Republicans flatter Trump Goneril-like out of convenience or do they “love Big Brother”? Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor may hold the key.
Love Was with Me in the Night
May Sarton’s imagines love without weight in her poem “Christmas Light.”
Love Came Down at Christmas
People ask for physical miracles so that they may believe. Christina Rossetti points out that Jesus gave us something far more miraculous: divine love.
Fantasy: GOP Tax Plan in a People’s Court
“The Madwoman of Chaillot’s” caricature is only to apt of a political party that would pass such a regressive tax plan.
The Novel that Upended the USSR
Solzhenitsyn’s “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” so effectively aided Khrushchev’s destalinization project that it would be banned by Brezhnev.