The opening lines of “Tale of Two Cities” capture our reality only too well.
Tag Archives: Charles Dickens
Fani Willis’s Big Baggy Monster
The Georgia Trump indictment is like a “big baggy monster” whereas Jack Smith’s narrower indictment is like a Flaubert novel.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Donald, Fani Willis, Georgia Trump indictment, Henry James, January 6 insurrection, Leo Tolstoy, Percy Lubbock, Trump Comments closed
Dickens’s Evolving View of Christmas
Dickens didn’t so much invent Christmas–or even reinvent it–as supercharge it. “A Christmas Carol” was key in the endeavor.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Christmas, Christmas Carol, Haunted Man, It's a Wonderful Life, Joseph Addison, Pickwick Papers, Sketches by Boz Comments closed
Irresponsible Coal Companies
Coal miner owners have been leaving behind messes for others to clean up. Dickens reports something similar in “Hard Times.”
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged coal mining, Hard Times, land reclamation, pollution Comments closed
Loving Lit, the Road to Well-Being
In “Rules of Civility,” Towles compares reading Dickens to that first cup of morning coffee.
On Telling the Homeless to “Move On”
People want refugees and the homeless to be out of sight, out of mind. Like society with Jo in “Bleak House.”
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Bleak House, Donald Trump, homelessness, refugees Comments closed
Donald Trump Is Our Harold Skimpole
Dickens’s Skimpole reminds one of Trump in the way he leeches off other people and always avoid’s responsibility.