Has the GOP become a death cult. Tolstoy’s description of suicidal behavior from Napoleon’s soldiers suggests yes.
Tag Archives: COVID19
Making Charn Great Again
How does one capture Trump’s disastrous handling of Covid? I invoke Jadis in “The Magician’s Nephew” destroying Charn.
The Green Knight on Handling Death
“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” is one of the most profound works I know for dealing with death.
The Courage to Face the Darkness
In “IT” Stephen King shows how Americans close their eyes to horrific truths. Certain Americans have been closing their eyes to COVID19, showing King to know what he’s talking about.
It’s a Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
For those of us living in the lull before the COVID-19 storm, Swift’s “Description of a City Shower” captures what we’re experiencing–and about to experience.
Journal of a Plague Year
Defoe’s “Journal of the Plague Year” has many unsettling parallels with our current situation.
Pale Horse, Pale Rider–in 1918 and Now
Katherine Anne Porter’s novella about the 1918 flu epidemic may give us a glimpse into our own immediate future.