Hawthorne writes about the kind of mob that invaded the U.S. Capitol in “My Kinsman, Major Molineux.”
Tag Archives: GOP
Hawthorne Understood Mobs
Can GOP Wash Its Hands of Capitol Blood?
While the Macbeths share many traits with Trump and his GOP enablers, they had least have the capacity for self-reflection.
Promises on the Year’s Darkest Evening
When we have a president who is governed by self-gratification, Frost’s famous poem about honoring obligations is what we need.
Brecht on Trumpian Democracy Attacks
Brecht has the perfect poem for Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election results.
Yeats, Not Heaney, for Dark Times
For social and political barometers, try Heaney for optimism, Yeats for pessimism.
The GOP’s Monster Continues to Strike
Many have talked about how the GOP created a Frankenstein’s monster in Trump. They can also be seen as a Circe (from Madeline Miller’s novel) creating Scylla.
Trump-Graham as Dracula-Renfield
South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham is to Trump what Renfield is to Dracula–and could suffer a similar fate.
Pratchett Understands Amoral Enablers
For a spot-on depiction of GOP enablers of Donald Trump, check out the civic leaders in Terry Pratchett’s “Guards! Guards!”