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Tag Archives: gun violence
Joe Biden as King Hrothgar
Biden’s low poll numbers may be because, like King Hrothgar in “Beowulf,” he can’t prevent violence from breaking out in the great hall.
Atticus: Future Racist or NeverTrumper?
To see how gun violence and white supremacy are linked, look at “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
Gun Violence and Armageddon
Wednesday This past Sunday I shared a number of poems from Lucille Clifton’s Book of Days to reflect on how Christian nationalists, many of them wielding weapons of war, work against Jesus’s goal to bring the kingdom of God to Earth. One poem from the collection particularly stands out in the wake of the mass […]
Massacre Machinery & Slaughterhouse 5
Kurt Vonnegut, one who has seen the horrors of war, was a passionate opponent of guns in civilian hands.
Racism, Traveler of Darkness
Spiritual Sunday When Dylan Roof walked into a Charleston Sunday School class and gunned down those who had welcomed him in, South Carolina poet Marcus Amaker composed the following poem. God may seem absent when hatred opens fire upon innocents, as occurred once again yesterday in El Paso, but Amaker finds hope in the belief […]
King’s Clown Rampaged in Orlando
Perhaps more than any other American writer, Stephen King understands such incidents as the Orlando massacre. The famous horror writer dreams America’s nightmares and appears prescient when they come true.
Atwood’s Dystopias & the Gun Business
Margaret Atwood’s recent dystopian fictions capture how capitalism preys upon sex and fear. We don’t have to travel into the future as the gun industry is taking full advantage of our fears in the present.