Fielding’s jabs at quack doctors in “Tom Jones” are suddenly relevant again given Trump’s approach to the pandemic.
Tag Archives: Henry Fielding
Scott Atlas, a Fieldingesque Quack
Knives Out and the American Dream
The movie “Knives Out” is satisfying but leaves unquestioned the American Dream.
Caution against Purity Policing
Monday One of my conservative readers wrote me recently asking me how I felt about leftist insistence that Virginia governor Ralph Northam resign for having posted a racist picture in his medical school yearbook years ago. After all, hasn’t Northam lived a fairly exemplary life since then? The reader also sent me a Quillette article […]
Henry Fielding Explains Witness Flipping
Fielding shows a classic case of a witness flipping on his boss in “Tom Jones.” As a magistrate, he knows what he’s talking about.
If Fielding Had Written about Trump
Henry Fielding would have had a field day writing about America’s president.
Update on My Heart Condition
I now have a possible explanation for last week’s heart episode. Henry Fielding’s “Tom Jones” helped lead me to it.
Defending Homer against Plato
Plato’s attacks on Homer have to do with the bard’s focus earthly concerns rather than higher ones. Following Plato’s prescriptions, however, will not produce very interesting poetry.