While many Americans feel betrayed by their fellow voters following Election 2024, Dante’s vision of betrayal in “Inferno” may not apply.
Tag Archives: Inferno
On Portia, Milosz, and Pardoning Trump
Should Biden pardon Trump. This article, citing “Merchant of Venice” and a Milosz poem, argues no.
Trumpian Darkness or True Light? Choose
Trump and many of his fans twist themselves in the perpetual torment of their resentment and anger. Henry Vaughan describes their state in “The World.”
In a Dante-esque Prison of His Own Making
Trump’s suffering the the Manhattan courtroom is his own version of Dante’s Inferno.
A Shadow Falls, the Book Glows
As we enter a season of darkness, this Rilke poem reminds us to listen for the numinous.
Dante’s Version of Heaven on Earth
In talking to Solomon in Paradiso, Dante gets a new vision of heaven on earth.
Philip Pullman’s Unorthodox Afterlife
In “Amber Spyglass,” Pullman rebels against orthodox versions of the afterlife and creates his own.
Homer, Virgil, Dante and the Afterlife
Literary afterlives, such as we encounter in Homer, Virgil, and Dante, are as much about this world as the next.
Halloween Horrors in the Aeneid
For Halloween, check out the monsters who greet Aeneas on his way to the underworld.