Jack London’s 1908 dystopian novel “The Iron Heel” anticipates a U.S. president refusing to give up power.
Tag Archives: January 6 insurrection
Jack London Predicted January 6
The GOP Has Learned to Love Big Brother
Many in the GOP who condemned January 6 when it happened now, like Winston Smith, love Big Brother.
Trump’s Lean and Hungry Plotters
There is a tide in the affairs of Trump supporters that, taken at the flood, will lead them to do anything to take power. “Julius Caesar” is warning us.
Brecht, Hitler’s Coup Attempt, and Jan. 6
Reacting to Hitler, Brecht expressed frustration as the ineffectiveness of crying out. Today, the 100th anniversary of Hitler’s coup attempts, resembles January 6, 2021.
Washington’s Last Gift to Us
Today is the anniversary of Washington’s momentous “Farewell Address.” To honor his decision to voluntarily relinquish power, here’s a Phillis Wheatley poem.
Fani Willis’s Big Baggy Monster
The Georgia Trump indictment is like a “big baggy monster” whereas Jack Smith’s narrower indictment is like a Flaubert novel.
Lear, Trump Rage Against Their Enemies
Lear and Trump are two narcissists who resort to bombastic threats when backed into a corner.
Is Jack Smith a Javert?
A Trump co-conspirator is complaining that special counsel Jack Smith is like Javert. I explore the comparison.