By glorifying God, we glorify God’s creation, and vice versa. Mary Oliver captures how this works in “Summer Day.”
Tag Archives: John Milton
Imagining a New Creation
In “Green Gospel,” Gatta imagines notions of sin and salvation applied to nature.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Then Will Come Soft Rain", "What stood will stand, Green Gospel, John Gatta, Nature, Paradise Lost, Sarah Teasdale, though all be fallen", Wendell Berry Comments closed
Erotic Dreams of a Wild Sea
Dickinson’s “Wild Nights” is an astonishing love poem, perfect for Valentine’s Day.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Wild Nights", Emily Dickinson, Paradise Lost, Puritanism, sexuality, Valentine's Day Comments closed
Florida School Pulls Paradise Lost
A Florida County has pulled “Paradise Lost” from the shelves. It’s true that the work has “sexual content.”
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Bacchae, Book banning, canon wars, censorship, Euripides, Paradise Lost, Ron DeSantis, Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison Comments closed
Expressing Thanks Is Its Own Reward
Thanks giving is not (as Milton’s Satan) contends, a burdensome debt but the key to deep joy.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Dante, gratitude, Paradise Lost, Paradiso, Thanksgving Comments closed
God Reaches Us through Art
I share a talk about the relationship between God and creativity. Authors mentioned: Shelley, Homer, Plato, Silko, Walker, Clifton.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Ode to the West Wind", "the light that came to lucille clifton", Alice Walker, Artist's Way, Ceremony, Color Purple, Creativity, Homer, Intimations of Immortality, Ion, Julia Cameron, Leslie Marmon Silko, Lucille Clifton, Paradise Lost, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Plato, poetic muse, Republic, William Wordsworth Comments closed
It’s Hotter’n Milton’s Hell
As the world experiences unprecedented heat waves, Milton’s hell come to mind.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged climate change, Cymbeline, extreme weather events, heat, Paradise Lost, William Shakespeare Comments closed
Gratitude, as Explained by Milton
Visiting Milton’s hymns of gratitude in “Paradise Lost” are one way of celebrating Thanksgiving.