Jared Kushner has compared the Trump administration to “Alice in Wonderland.” A Washington Post satirist teases out parallels he probably didn’t have in mind.
Tag Archives: Lewis Carroll
The GOP, through the Looking Glass
Cartoonist Tom Toles has a very smart Alice-through-the-Looking-Glass take on Trump and the GOP.
Hopefully, Trump Is the Queen of Hearts
Is Trump like Lewis Carroll’s Queen of Hearts? In the case of Iran, let’s hope so.
GOP’s Best Case: We’re All Mad
Two literary allusions by a Trump defender in yesterday’s impeachment hearings don’t bode well for the president.
And Thick and Fast, They Came at Last
People are now rushing forth to reveal Trump secrets–like the oysters in “The Walrus and the Carpenter.”
The Dreamlike Pleasures of Rowing
In “Alice through the Looking Glass,” boating is a metaphor for life slipping by–unnoticed by Alice but seen as deeply tragic by Carroll.
Senior Projects and Alice’s Rabbit Hole
I compare senior theses to Alice falling down a rabbit hole. But not in the way you think.
Literature Has Paul Ryan’s Number
Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens, Chinua Achebe, John Milton, and Thomas Hardy see through men like departing Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.