As the GOP reels in the wake of Trump’s victory, it might want to model itself on Edgar in “King Lear.”
Tag Archives: politics
Time for GOP Moderates To Go to Ground?
Now, Gods, Stand Up for Trump!
When traditional institutions like the government or the Supreme Court are undermined, the way is cleared for the rise of liar like Trump.
The Unbearable Lightness of Donald Trump
Czech author Milan Kundera warned about how dictatorships thrive off of our forgetting. In a “Rolling Stone” article, Charlie Pierce argues that forgetting has led to the rise of Donald Trump.
Trump and Gazing into the Abyss
Ted Cruz said that, if Donald Trump is the GOP nominee, we would be gazing into the abyss. For what this would be like, I turn to Milton, an expert on abysses.
Ted Cruz as Lucifer, “Squat Like a Toad”
After John Boehner compared Sen. Ted Cruz to Lucifer, I went looking through “Paradise Lost” to find passages that would apply. I found a particularly good one but, if you ask me, Cruz more resembles Blifil, Tom Jones’s nemesis.
Limbaugh’s Clinton-Ratched Comparison
Rightwing radio host Rush Limbaugh regularly compares Hillary Clinton to Nurse Ratched in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and, in so doing, can be said to have paved the way for misogynist Donald Trump. If it’s Trump vs. Clinton in the general election, things will get ugly.
Christie as Prufrock & Other Lit Allusions
Political pundits have been turning to literature to talk about the GOP primaries. This past week saw citations of Shakespeare, T. S. Eliot, Lewis Carroll, and Richard Adams (“Watership Down”).
History’s Zigzagging Narratives
This Stephen Dunn points out how we see history as a series of narratives. Sometimes our heroes are those “too unhappy to be reasonable.”