Passover is a good occasion to read this Adam Zagajewski poem about refugees.
Tag Archives: refugees
Passover, a Time to Remember Refugees
On Telling the Homeless to “Move On”
People want refugees and the homeless to be out of sight, out of mind. Like society with Jo in “Bleak House.”
The Decision to Stay or to Leave
To leave Ukraine or stay in it: these poems grapple with such a dilemma.
Eyes Welded Shut by Mortal Pain
Spiritual Sunday Today’s Old Testament lesson, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, is catnip to hellfire and brimstone preachers, who use it as a parable for what they regard at the modern world’s sinful ways. I find deeply problematic, however, the idea that a city is so unredeemable that every man, woman and child must […]
Calculated Hysteria over Refugees
Brian Bilston’s clever poem about refugees captures America’s split over the issue while Silko’s apocalyptic vision matches white nationalist nightmares.
Brecht Quatrains for Challenging Times
During World War II Bertolt Brecht wrote quatrains that speak powerfully to our own political times.
The Odyssey Speaks to Today’s Refugees
“The Odyssey” looked different to a literature teacher after he taught it to a class of Syrian, Iraqi and Palestinian refugees. Homer’s poem challenges us to open our own hearts to those fleeing persecution and war.
A Guest Worthy To Be Here
Jesus learned to accept a Canaanite woman at his table and George Herbert learns that he belongs at that table. We can use them as models as we face refugees and immigrants.