Herbert laments that sometimes, when he prays, his words don’t get through to God. And yet he finds peace in the end.
Tag Archives: Sin
Hawthorne Explains the Eternal Sin
Hawthorne explores what Jesus means by the “eternal sin” in a number of stories, including “Scarlet Letter.”
Dante Weighs In on Trumpian Sins
Continuing assessing Trump by Dante’s criteria, he qualifies for a number of the pits in the violence and fraud circles of Inferno.
Trump & Inferno’s 9 Circles–Pick One
If Trump were to be assigned to one of Dante’s nine circles of hell, where would he end up? I set forth the possibilities.
Homer, Virgil & Dante Visit the Afterlife
In my Representative Masterpieces course, I conclude with Dante’s “Inferno,” where we see sinners creating their own hells.
Finding a Paradise Within Happier Far
Milton’s “Paradise Lost” provides a powerful account of how we lose sight of God and how then have we can reconnect with the divine.
A Debate about Sex, Pullman vs. Milton
This is the 20th anniversary of Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” series, which gives me an excuse for once again tilting with the fantasy author and figuring out my own thoughts on our vexed relationship with sexuality and our bodies. Once again I conclude that Milton goes far deeper into these issues than Pullman does.
Pullman vs. C. S. Lewis on the Issue of Sin
Philip Pullman loathes C. S. Lewis, despite the many similarities between “The Golden Compass” and the Narnia Chronicles. The reason may be the way handles sinning children.
Lyra’s Epic Journey To Grow Up
Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” trilogy is a frontal assault on sin-obsessed patriarchal churches. While I don’t find this depiction to be compelling, I am drawn into his coming-of-age story.