The child spy tip line in Virginia received a complaint about how a teacher was teaching “Beowulf.” Meanwhile, a Texas school has banned Neil Gaiman’s works.
Tag Archives: teaching
Child Spy Rats Out English Teacher
White Privilege Explained in Oral Poetry
Tennessee teacher Hawn was fired in part for showing a video of an oral poet reciting this poem about white privilege.
Teachers as Literature’s Missionaries
If literature teaches foundational social values, then teachers can be seen as missionaries.
Great Teachers Inspire Great Teachers
This being Teacher Appreciation Week, I nominate Charlotte Bronte’s Miss Temple as exemplary teacher.
Pratchett’s Ideal Teacher
Terry Pratchett describes his ideal teacher in “Thief of Time.”
Remembering a Favorite English Teacher
My favorite English teacher just died after years of Alzheimer’s. I share the epitaph from Gray’s “Country Churchyard,” which he introduced me to.
Read Your Children Poetry
A middle school teacher describes how he starts every class with a poem. Also, a note on school shootings, this one at a local high school.
Graded Essays Are Like Chopped Wood
If you are a teacher swamped by end-of-term essays, Frost’s “Woodpile” has some good advice for you.
Recovering from the Semester
After an exhausting semester, I feel like Tennyson’s Arthur after his final battle. I’m spending my winter break with my wife and my mother in Sewanee, Tennessee, my version of Avalon.