“Julius Caesar” has been showing up in the news recently, and for good reason. New York leads off with the play this summer in “Shakespeare in the Park” (the political parallels are overwhelming) and there is an “Ides of Trump” postcard writing campaign scheduled for March 15.
Tag Archives: Trumpism
“Julius Caesar” Is Only Too Relevant
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Donald Trump, Julius Caesar, Paul Waldman, Russiagate, Shakespeare in the Park, William Shakespeare Comments closed
Lit, a Heroic Bulwark against Trumpism
Author George Saunders sees literature playing a vital role in opposing Trumpism. He has also written a very comic poem about the president.
The World’s One Hope: Compassion
Bertolt Brecht’s “”The World One Hope” addresses the problem of growing callousness but then points to how we can break through to compassion.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "World's One Hope", Bertolt Brecht, discrimination, Donald Trump, GOP, oppression Comments closed
Why We Fear Clowns
The recent outbreak of criminal clowns can be explained by combining Freud’s essay on the uncanny and Stephen King’s IT.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged clowns, Donald Trump, It, Stephen King, violence Comments closed