Is Kevin McCarthy like Macbeth? A little bit yes when it comes to ambition but more no.
Tag Archives: All the King's Men
Is Kevin McCarthy a Macbeth? Nah
Cruz Is No Willie Stark or Richard III
Ted Cruz? More Willie Stark crossed with Chevy Chase or Richard III played by Mr. Bean?
Trump’s Willie Stark Cynicism
Trump’s view of humanity resembles that of Warren’s Willie Stark: Everyone is corrupt. (And therefore no one is accountable.)
Kavanaugh as Privileged Teen
Attempted rape accusations when Brett Kavanaugh was a teen invite comparisons to another privileged teen, Tom Stark in “All the King’s Men.”
Donald Trump as Willie Stark
Donald Trump calling out the GOP establishment is like Willie Stark calling out the Democratic establishment in “All the King’s Men.”
Out of Denialism and into Responsibility
Denialism such as we are seeing with regard to climate change is well describe in “All the King’s Men.”
Chris Christie as “Boss” Willie Stark
Chris Christie resembles Willie Stark in “All the King’s Men” in more than a few ways.
Sarah Palin and All the King’s Men
The political world seems to be agog over Sarah Palin these days, with Joel Klein of Time and David Broder of The Washington Post, two columnists I respect, telling us to take her very seriously. This has got me thinking of fictional populists, especially Willie Stark in Robert Penn Warren’s All the King’s Men (1946), one of […]