Maureen Dowd compares Trump to Dracula and the Ancient Mariner. The comparisons are worth exploring.
Tag Archives: Bram Stoker
Trump as Dracula and Ancient Mariner
Trumpists Resemble Dracula’s Renfield
A “New York Magazine” columnist has compared Trumpists and Trump enablers to Renfield in “Dracula.” The comparison is an apt one.
Brecht: Don’t Become Numb to Suffering
Brecht warns against becoming numb to the world’s horrors.
Trump-Graham as Dracula-Renfield
South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham is to Trump what Renfield is to Dracula–and could suffer a similar fate.
Trump Is Dracula, Cohen Is Renfield
Tuesday Though I’ve compared Donald Trump several times to Dr. Frankenstein’s monster (for instance, here), New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd has compared the Trump saga to another monster story that I hadn’t considered. Michael Cohen, she writes, is Renfield to Trump’s Dracula. Renfield is a Dracula acolyte who has been imprisoned as a madman, […]
Ted Cruz as Lucifer, “Squat Like a Toad”
After John Boehner compared Sen. Ted Cruz to Lucifer, I went looking through “Paradise Lost” to find passages that would apply. I found a particularly good one but, if you ask me, Cruz more resembles Blifil, Tom Jones’s nemesis.
Bram Stoker’s Cure for Biting
Soccer star Luis Suarez has a problem with biting. Bram Stoker had advice for dealing with biters.