A top ten list of classics with positive depictions of parent-child relationships.
Tag Archives: Charles Dickens
Top 10 Parent-Child Classics (Positive)
How Is Lit Useful? Let Me Count the Ways
A recent issue of “New Literary History” explores a number of ways that literature is useful.
An Ideal Mother
When I think of a mother-son relationship that most matches my own, I think of Betsy Trotwood and David Copperfield.
Dickens, We Need You (and Also FDR)
With unemployment insurance set to run out next week, it’s time to invoke Charles Dickens’ “Christmas Carol.” FDR did so.
Dickens’ Children Expose Class Unfairness
Charles Dickens’ Sissy Jupe, in her innocence, could teach the GOP something about its insensitivity to the needs of the poor.
E. W. Jackson, a Modern Day Bounderby
Virginia lieutenant governor candidate E. W. Jackson appears to be attempting a fraud worthy of Dickens’ Josiah Bounderby.
Lit’s Ten Most Sensitive Guys
To match my 10 strongest literary women characters, here are my 10 most sensitive male characters.
I Have Found My Sheep that Was Lost
Dickens draws on the parable of the lost sheep in shaping “David Copperfield.”