My brother died yesterday. This Mark Twain lyric gets at some of what I’m feeling.
Tag Archives: death
Even Dead Trees Cast a Shadow
Gilpin’s poem “Life after Death” prompts us to honor those who have gone before.
Homer, Virgil, Dante and the Afterlife
Literary afterlives, such as we encounter in Homer, Virgil, and Dante, are as much about this world as the next.
Halloween Horrors in the Aeneid
For Halloween, check out the monsters who greet Aeneas on his way to the underworld.
Do Not Stand by My Grave and Weep
As Slovenes this past week visited the graves of those who have passed on, I thought of Frye’s poem “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep.”
the passing of all shining things
e.e. cummings has a dialogue with Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” in his own poem about autumn. I include Frost and Oliver in the reflection as well.
Birds on His Shoulders, Faith in His Hands
In “Standard Time: A Novena for My Father,” Martinez wrestles with his doubts about whether his father is in some sense still present.
The Green Knight on Handling Death
“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” is one of the most profound works I know for dealing with death.
Mass Extinctions Followed by Life
Richard Shelton’s poem “Death” reminds us that we are part of the world that we are destroying.