The LA Rams won the Super Bowl, bringing Chaucer’s Miller to mind.
Tag Archives: Geoffrey Chaucer
Chaucer’s Miller & the Los Angeles Rams
Chaucer Was No Sexist or Anti-Semite
In which I agree with a recent article defending Chaucer against charges of sexism and anti-Semitism.
Trump & Chaucer’s Pardoner, Both Corrupt
Trump’s abuse of the pardon system invites comparisons with the behavior of Chaucer’s Pardoner and Summoner.
St. Paul, St. Thecla, and the Wife of Bath
The Wife of Bath threads between visions of marriage articulated by St. Paul. In the process, she articulates a far more spiritual vision than that propagated by misogynist monks of the period.
Chaucer & a Trump-Enabling GOP
For a story that captures GOP readiness to believe all that Trump says, there’s Chaucer’s “Merchant’s Tale.”
Is Old Age Becoming Overrated?
A “New Yorker” article on aging turns to literature to debunk the notion that aging is a good thing.
Fantasy Frees Us from Narrow Thinking
Friday I share today a new insight that I gained from my recent Lifelong Learning class about “Wizards and Enchantresses.” To set it up, I first share my theory of fantasy. As I see it, fantasy is always oppositional in its invocation of magic and the supernatural. If it flourished in the wake of the […]
Chaucer’s Friar and Abusive Clergy
Wednesday Like many, I had hopes that Pope Francis’s Vatican meeting on clergy sexual abuse would yield something substantial, and like many I have been disappointed. The pope, according to the New York Times, decided that the best way for the church to address the problem lay not in issuing an edict from Rome but […]