Edgar A. Guest has a fun poem in favor of taxes. And Dickens unloads on those with money who avoid paying them.
Tag Archives: Hard Times
Literature on Why Taxes Are Good
Irresponsible Coal Companies
Coal miner owners have been leaving behind messes for others to clean up. Dickens reports something similar in “Hard Times.”
Biden-Trump Invites Dickens Comparisons
If one thinks of the 2020 election in Dickensian terms, several novels come to mind.
Imagine Lit Characters in Reality TV
Thursday I came across this enjoyable tweet from one Ross Danniel Bullen, who imagines a Victorian version of the House Hunters television show: Host: Iā Henry James: I should like a kitchen whose concept is ā how shall I conceive of it ā not closed, not in some way occluded, but bright, agape, unrestrained as […]
Literature Has Paul Ryan’s Number
Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens, Chinua Achebe, John Milton, and Thomas Hardy see through men like departing Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.
Trump & Bounderby: Cut Taxes or Die
In Monday night’s debate, Donald Trump warned that companies would take their business elsewhere if taxes and regulations on them weren’t lowered. As Dickens noted in “Hard Times,” businesses have been threatening this, like, forever.
Speaker Paul Ryan in Literature
I’ve written a lot about Paul Ryan and his aspiration to be a John Galt figure. Now that he is Speaker of the House, I review other literary parallels I’ve drawn over the years.
Why Baltimore Blacks Are Down and Out
Black poverty in Baltimore has racial causes that are invisible to most people. Dickens would understand.