A Salon columnist compares Trump to the Cyclops in “The Odyssey.” He has a point.
Tag Archives: Homer
Plato Anxious about Lit’s Pyschic Impact
Plato’s complaints about literature show up in censorship battles today. They testify to power of literature to invite imitation.
The Complex Inner Life of Teachers
Lily King’s “The English Teacher” is filled with literary lllusions, most of them thematically important.
In Praise of the Liberal Arts
NYT columnist Nicholas Kristof recently sang the praises of the liberal arts and talked about the vital importance of literature.
Loud Sneezes, a Sign from the Gods
My loud sneezes, according to Homer, as a sign from the gods.
The Return of King James
Lebron’s return to Cleveland is like Odysseus’ return to Ithaka.
Warning Labels for the Classics
Suggestions that certain classics come with “trigger warnings” leads of the following reflection.
Maybe the Gulfs Will Wash Us Down
Peyton Manning was not Homer’s Odysseus but Tennyson’s Ulysses.
Competing Heroic Narratives in Super Bowl
One Super Bowl narrative: Manning as the return of the king. Another narrative: Manning as Laius blocking the way of the next generation. Plus: Belichick-Welker in Oedipal drama.