Many have talked about how the GOP created a Frankenstein’s monster in Trump. They can also be seen as a Circe (from Madeline Miller’s novel) creating Scylla.
Tag Archives: Trumpism
The Moment Has Come to Decide
Educator Diane Ravitch’s favorite poem include two 19th century oldies that get at a teacher’s sense of mission.
Atwood Gets the Authoritarian Mindset
In her sequel to “Handmaid’s Tale,” Atwood demonstrates a deep understanding of authoritarianism.
Will Trump Turn Us into Goodman Brown?
The disillusion of Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown may prove to be America’s in a post-Trump world.
“Rhinoceros” and Trump’s GOP Takeover
Ionesco’s “Rhinoceros” brilliantly captures how creeping authoritarianism works. It’s only too relevant.
Is Loving Our Neighbor Asking Too Much?
Spiritual Sunday This past week, I attended a special Bible study session on the Good Samaritan parable where Sewanee’s Rev. Amy Lamborn emphasized just how radical God’s second great commandment is. Jesus tells the story in such a way, she pointed out, that call out his audiences prejudices. At a time when we are turning […]
Dryden Had Trump’s Number
Dryden’s “Absolom and Architophel” describes unscrupulous politicians that we would find familiar today.
How To Find a Paradise Within, Happier Far
Milton would have called those white evangelicals promoting Trumpism “grievous wolves.”
Gawain, Trump and Shame
Trump and Sir Gawain respond in opposite ways to shame: Trump counterattacks by acting shamelessly while Gawain lets it tie him into knots.