Some of the officials who bravely stood up to Trump after his electoral defeat enabled him earlier. They are like the gunner with the loose cannon in Hugo’s “93.”
Tag Archives: William Barr
Stopping Trump’s Loose Cannon
Les Miz and Trump’s Execution Spree
As Trump and Barr go on an execution spree, Victor Hugo’s thoughts on the guillotine come to mind.
If Jesus Were to Return
I suspect that certain Christians would vote for Trump over Jesus if the latter were to return. That’s the point made by this Scott Bates poem.
Treachery at the Justice Department
Anne Perry’s “Treachery at Lancaster Gate” seems to be about the 19th century but describes Barr’s corruption of the Department of Justice only too well.
How Trump’s GOP Enforces Loyalty
Trump’s GOP has ways of disciplining members who depart from their leader’s talking points. Koestler’s “Darkness at Noon” explains how such pressure works.
What Baldwin Would Make of Barr
William Barr’s recent comments to police officers reveal an attitude toward people of color that James Baldwin would recognize instantly.
The Temptation of the Attorney General
A legal scholar applies C. S. Lewis’s “Screwtape Letters” to AG Barr, accusing him of being a lawless legalist who embodies force without spirit.
The Seductive Lure of Power
Monday Pundits are puzzled why respectable people yield to the lure of Donald Trump and join his administration, even though they invariably emerge tainted. I don’t have in mind those grifters like campaign chair Paul Manafort, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Health and Human Services secretary Tom Price, or EPA’s Scott Pruitt, who were corrupt […]
We Need Barr to Be a Homeric Hero
Monday Asked last week about damaging his legacy on behalf of Donald Trump, Attorney General William Barr invoked Homer. “Everyone dies,” he said, “and I am not, you know, I don’t believe in the Homeric idea that you know, immortality comes by, you know, having odes sung about you over the centuries, you know?” In […]