Brecht warns against becoming numb to the world’s horrors.
Tag Archives: Bertolt Brecht
Brecht: Don’t Become Numb to Suffering
Book Bans Again on the Rise
With book bans on the rise, Langston Hughes’s “My Adventures as a Social Poet” is must reading. So is Brecht’s “Burning of the Books.”
Using Brecht to Explain U.S. Gun Laws
Brecht has as clear an explanation as any as to why gun laws are tilted towards Whites.
Political Solution: Dissolve the People
Brecht’s “The Solution” captures current GOP voter suppression attempts.
Will Trump Pay? Literature Is Unsure
Will Trump escape all accountability? Literature weighs in.
Brecht on Trumpian Democracy Attacks
Brecht has the perfect poem for Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election results.
Wanted: Teachers, Not Martyrs
Some say teachers should, like soldiers, should put their lives on the line. This A.E. Housman poem brings up the question of whether even soldiers should do so when there sacrifice will be meaningless.
The Real Face of Patriotism
When William McRaven asked, out of sympathy with John Brennan, that his own security clearance be withdrawn, he behaved like Brecht’s poet in “Burning of the Books.”
Brecht on the Rejection of Refugees
Thursday As some Americans harden their hearts against Central American immigrants, shrugging off the 2600+ children who have been separated from their parents, the six children who have died in (or immediately following) border patrol custody, and the cages in which people have been housed, we would do well to remember how in 1942 America […]