Buckling to rightwing pressure, a school has banned Amanda Gorman’s “Hill We Climb” from elementary students. My 8-year-old grandson loved it.
Tag Archives: censorship
Fighting Back against Book Censors
Judy Blume weighs in on book bans while a Washington Post pundit shows how we can find ways to resist.
Books Banned Because They’re Powerful
Book banning is on the rise in the U.S., including recently in Virginia. Brecht’s “Burning of the Books” is always powerful.
Roth and the Hamline Mess
Roth’s “Human Stain” has lessons for Hamline’s recent mess-up over an art teacher. It has also given me a new perspective on my two sons.
School Panics about Dr. Seuss Discussion
A school administrator objected when a class discussion of Dr. Seuss’s “Sneetches” veered into questions of race.
Child Spy Rats Out English Teacher
The child spy tip line in Virginia received a complaint about how a teacher was teaching “Beowulf.” Meanwhile, a Texas school has banned Neil Gaiman’s works.
Book Bans Leave Children Defenseless
Parents seek to protect their children through book bans. Instead, they make them more vulnerable to a changing world.
The Fascist Right Goes for Sendak
The authoritarian Christian right has now begun going after public libraries, one of which recently had Sendak’s “In the Night Kitchen” pulled.
Pushing Back against the Purity Police
While not as bad as fascists for censoring reading materials, leftwing purists present their own problems.