The current candidates for Trump’s V-P are behaving like Alexander Pope’s dunces.
Tag Archives: Dunciad
GOP Veepstakes and Pope’s Dunciad
Rightwing Educators & Pope’s Dunces
Rightwing parent groups and legislators want authoritarian teachers who teach their truth. They want Bentley from Pope’s “Dunciad.”
Does Lightweight Lit Do Damage?
I look at how thinkers over the centuries have viewed so-called popular or lightweight literature.
Despite Trump, the Rivers Kept Speaking
Jane Hirshfield’s “Fifth Day,” written five days into the Trump administration, capture the president’s war against science and the environment.
Read to Resist: An Introduction
Thursday I share today the introduction to my upcoming book, which is still in draft form and whose title I keep changing. Latest title: Read to Resist: Classic Lit Provides Tools for Battling Trump and Trumpism. I’m still not entirely satisfied with that and so will keep tinkering. In any event, here’s my first attempt […]
National Inquirer, Political Sewage
“National Inquirer” is in trouble for having conspired to bury article critical of Donald Trump. Alexander Pope described such publications in “The Dunciad.”
Pope Describes Triumph of Stupidity
Book IV of Pope’s “Dunciad” captures the triumph of Trumpism. In Pope’s poem, the goddess dullness (stupidity) has conquered the world.
The Right Wing’s War on Science
Tim O’Brien describes a character for whom facts are formed by sensation. Sounds like today’s right wing.