The men who chased and killed Ahmaud Arbery are like the slave catchers in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”
Tag Archives: racism
The Arbery Killers, Today’s Slave Catchers
Only What Is Human Can Be Foreign
Szymborska’s beautiful poem “Psalm” provides the perspective we all need on immigrants at the border.
Using Brecht to Explain U.S. Gun Laws
Brecht has as clear an explanation as any as to why gun laws are tilted towards Whites.
White Privilege Explained in Oral Poetry
Tennessee teacher Hawn was fired in part for showing a video of an oral poet reciting this poem about white privilege.
Faulkner on Racism’s Deep Roots
Faulkner’s “Intruder in the Dust” shows how deep into the American psyche racism reaches, helping explain the spate of police killings or unarmed Blacks.
Why I Think the Way I Think
I survey my intellectual history, especially the evolution of my thinking about literature’s impact on human behavior.
How Whites Cancel Readers of Color
Rightwingers complain that liberals are canceling Dr. Seuss. Real cancelation, however, uses racial stereotyping, of which Seuss was occasionally guilty.
Angry Black Woman vs. Angry White Men
For MLK Day, a June Jordan poem addressing angry white men.