Melville’s “Benito Cereno” perfectly captures Rightwing denial of climate change.
Tag Archives: Barack Obama
Melville and Climate Change Denial
Melville’s Parable of American Denial
Melville’s “Benito Cereno” captures the contradictions of today’s conservative extremists.
Will Oliver Finally Get Health Care?
Oliver Twist experiences the same ups and downs as Obamacare has. But there’s a happy ending.
Tom Perkins & America’s Dragon-Like 1%
Tom Perkins complaining about Nazi-like progressives resembles the dragon in “Beowulf.”
Oedipal Blindness in Benghazi
Will Hillary and Obama achieve the wisdom of the suffering Oedipus following their missteps in Benghazi?
Tea Party Racism and Flannery O’Connor
To understand Obama derangement and the government shutdown, Flannery O’Connor’s short story “Artificial Nigger” is a good place to start.
Whoever Degrades Another Degrades Me
Whitman’s “Song of Myself” calls us to imagine the experience of the Other, just as Obama asked us to imagine the perspective of young black men.
Being Right on Climate Is Not Enough
Ibsen’s “Enemy of the People” helps us sort through some of the politics of climate change.
Scandal? Nothing but a Pack of Cards
Like Lewis Carroll’s Queen of Hearts, GOP investigation committees want verdict first, trial afterwards.