Why do so many Trump supporters deliberately court coronavirus? Why do Napoleon’s soldiers in “War and Peace” throw themselves into a river to impress him.
Tag Archives: COVID-19
Tolstoy on Suicidal Cult Followers
During Covid, Workers Must Unite
On this International Workers’ Day, frontline workers are bearing the brunt on Covid-19 and public sector workers may not be far behind. Time for Shelley’s “To the Working Men of England.”
Mrs. Dalloway as Pandemic Novel?!
Woolf’s “Mrs. Dalloway” may have been shaped by the 1918 pandemic, even though the illness is barely mentioned.
Sci-Fi Provides Pandemic Guidance
Our society is currently split on the value of scientific expertise. That split goes back at least as far as Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.”
A Literary Survey of What Plagues Mean
A survey of how literary authors have grappled for meaning in times of pestilence bolsters our own search. I look at Sophocles, Virgil, Defoe, Porter, Camus, King, Mandel, Atwood, and Erdrich.
Church Attendance in Plague Times
Defoe in “Journal of the Plague Year” captures people’s need for church in plague times.
Trump Is Captain Queeg, Not Bligh
Trump apparently sees himself as Captain Bligh. Try Captain Queeg instead. Or the captain in a recent Dave Eggers comic novel.
Neruda: Let’s All Stop for a Moment
In “Keeping Quiet,” Neruda offers us a powerful challenge in the face of the world’s horrors: what if the entire world were to observe a moment of stillness?
Trump & COVID? Think Ministry of Magic
Trump dealing with COVID-19 can be compared to the Ministry of Magic trying to deal with Voldemort.