Is Trump, like Miss Havisham, so embittered by his loss that he’s creating little Estelles, designed to break America’s heart.
Tag Archives: Great Expectations
Trump’s Havisham-Like Damage
Shots That Signal a Promising Future
I’ve just had my second Covid shot, which has me thinking of Alexander Hamilton’s shot in Miranda’s musical. Pip’s cautious optimism about the future also comes to mind.
Lindsey Graham as a Dickens Toady
Friday High school teacher Carl Rosin, whose Great Expectations class interviewed me by telephone yesterday, suggested that Donald Trump’s national shutdown is giving us our own versions of Dickens’s “toadies and humbugs.” For a while I’ve seen Vice President Michael Pence as candidate #1, but I must say that South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham is […]
No Miss Havisham for Hillary
In her account of the 2016 election aftermath, Hillary Clinton resolved not to become a Miss Havisham. This is testimony to her depth of soul.
Trump as Miss Havisham
Frank Bruni compares Donald Trump to Miss Havisham, forever fixated on November 8 before the rose lost its bloom. The GOP would do well to break free as Pip does.
Social Media Invades the Classics
Imagining literary characters using social media opens up new insights into a work.
10 Famous Fetish Objects in Lit
Literature is filled with fetish objects that take on outsized significance to various characters.
Who Is Your Favorite Dickens Character?
Characters from Dickens novels reside so deeply within us as to become virtual lifelong friends.