The Trump resistance started off like Telemachus overwhelmed by the suitors but, like Odysseus upon his return, it is starting to get strategic.
Tag Archives: Odyssey
To Resist Trump, Be Like Odysseus
On Odysseus & Trump’s Desecration
Odysseus lambasts the suitors for desecrating all that is holy. One can imagine him doing the same to Trump.
Lit Packs a Powerful Punch
My book “Better Living through Lit” this past year was only one of several making the case that literature can be social dynamite.
Trumpism and Penelope’s Suitors
Penelope’s suitors are like Trump and his supporters, looting the household and then calling other people lazy grifters asking for handouts.
Why Books Banned? They Change Lives
Good lit can function like social dynamite, but it’s dynamite that’s needed for growth. Parents against growth therefore attempt to ban them.
Homer and the Early Olympics
Watching the Olympics, I thought of the games in “The Odyssey.”
Why Fiction Terrifies People
I announce my forthcoming book and contrast it with a similar book–“Dangerous Fictions”–coming out soon.
Cloud Cuckoo Land: The Power of Story
Doerr’s “Cloud Cuckoo Land” is testimony to the power of story to save us when we need saving.
A Vet Sees Himself in Odysseus
In Huey’s poem, a veteran who has seen combat frames his experience in terms of “The Odyssey.”