On this International Workers’ Day, frontline workers are bearing the brunt on Covid-19 and public sector workers may not be far behind. Time for Shelley’s “To the Working Men of England.”
Monthly Archives: April 2020
During Covid, Workers Must Unite
Dante Weighs In on Trumpian Sins
Continuing assessing Trump by Dante’s criteria, he qualifies for a number of the pits in the violence and fraud circles of Inferno.
Trump & Inferno’s 9 Circles–Pick One
If Trump were to be assigned to one of Dante’s nine circles of hell, where would he end up? I set forth the possibilities.
Mrs. Dalloway as Pandemic Novel?!
Woolf’s “Mrs. Dalloway” may have been shaped by the 1918 pandemic, even though the illness is barely mentioned.
Battling Proud, Wayward Squirrels
Squirrels are refusing to honor our bird feeders by staying away. Yeats describes squirrels as similarly irreverent. So do Beatrix Potter and John Blades.
Empty Yourself, Taste Sweetness
In this Rumi Ramadan poem, the body empties so that the soul may be filled.
Manifesto for the Earth’s Future
Wendell Berry’s manifesto of “The Mad Farmer Liberation Front” is worth revisiting on this 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. It captures the spirit of the times.