In an essay calling Chinese activist Chow Hang Tung “the Antigone of Hong Kong,” Wendy Gan compares herself to Ismene.
Tag Archives: Sophocles
Are You an Antigone or an Ismene?
McCarthy a Greek Hero? NOT!
Kevin McCarthy is no tragic hero. He does resemble a minor figure from “Julius Caesar,” however.
Got a Problem? Call a Poet
Tragedy, it turns out, is a powerful literary form for dealing with posttraumatic fear.
First They Came for Toni Morrison, Then…
In the right attacks Toni Morrison novels, does this mean that Homer, Dostoevsky, Milton, and Sophocles are next?
The Afghan Debacle, a Greek Tragedy
There’s an element of Greek tragedy in the withdrawal from Afghanistan, starting with arrogance and ending with fate.
Freud: Lit Leads to Self Mastery
A Freudian analysis of why we are drawn to literature and what it does for us.
A Partial Defense of Plato’s Poet Ban
Perhaps Plato banished poets from his ideal society because he appreciated the destructive potential of stories. He’s relevant in light of today’s conspiracy theories.
How Tragedy Made Greek Lives Better
Aristotle saw Greek tragedy as teaching citizens the process of deliberation.
Post of the Year: Plagues in Literature
A survey of literature through the ages that has dealt with plagues.