Dostoevsky and Tolstoy’s novels work as indictments of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Tag Archives: War and Peace
Ukraine: What Would Leo and Fyodor Do?
The Very Model of a Modern Russian General
Tweeters have been busy finding literary allusions to capture the incompetence of Russia’s armed forces in Ukraine.
Putin Quoting Tolstoy? Puleeze!
Putin claimed to quote Tolstoy but didn’t in his meeting with Biden. What he says is reminiscent of Flannery O’Connor’s Misfit, however.
Is GOP a Death Cult? Ask Tolstoy
Has the GOP become a death cult. Tolstoy’s description of suicidal behavior from Napoleon’s soldiers suggests yes.
Tolstoy on Suicidal Cult Followers
Why do so many Trump supporters deliberately court coronavirus? Why do Napoleon’s soldiers in “War and Peace” throw themselves into a river to impress him.
H. W. Bush’s “War and Peace” Lessons
“War and Peace” was the late H. W. Bush’s favorite novel. Perhaps he imitated Gen. Kutuzov by withdrawing from Iraq after winning.
Read to Resist: An Introduction
Thursday I share today the introduction to my upcoming book, which is still in draft form and whose title I keep changing. Latest title: Read to Resist: Classic Lit Provides Tools for Battling Trump and Trumpism. I’m still not entirely satisfied with that and so will keep tinkering. In any event, here’s my first attempt […]
Tolstoy on Resisting a Narcissist
If Trump is like Napoleon in Tolstoy’s “War and Peace,” can he be defeated by popular resistance, as he is in Tolstoy’s novel?
Great Pro-War Literature Doesn’t Exist
In which I argue that great pro-war literature doesn’t exist, including “The iliad” and “War and Peace.” (Both works are magnificent; I just don’t see them as pro-war.)