In Biden’s speech yesterday about withdrawing from Afghanistan, I half expected to hear him quote from “The Great Gatsby.”
Monthly Archives: August 2021
Letting Others Clean Up Afghan Mess
How Novels Aided the World War I Effort
During World War I, librarians sought to supported wounded men with fiction. Some preferred love stories to action adventure fiction.
Summer’s Over, Back to School
The end of the Pooh books mourns the end of summer and the return to school.
A Christian Attack on Toxic Masculinity
In “Sir Charles Grandison,” Richardson attacks toxic masculinity in ways that feel very modern.
Aslan as Eco Warrior
Lewis’s Aslan is a bold creative stroke that opens up environmental possibilities for Christianity.
Anti-Maskers Seized by a Fury from Hell
Anti-Maskers appear to have been infused by Allecto, the black fury from hell described in “Aeneid.”
Dr. Watson Returns from Afghanistan
Dr. Watson is also a former Afghanistan War vet, with certain similarities to our own vets. The messy end of America’s involvement also recalls Kaye’s “Far Pavilions.”
Frozen in the Ice of Indifference
The difference between politicians who care and those who don’t is the difference between Dante’s Purgatory and Inferno.
An Endless Game, an Endless War
The Afghan War has been like the endless baseball game in Kinsella’s “Iowa Baseball Confederation.”